Sunday, November 16, 2008

starting off - out of the gate

while this will not be some end all extravagant post, i have decided that its time for me to create an outlet. thoughts are constantly bombarding my head and i mull over them and that leads to new thoughts to mull over and so on. my amazing wife has been the recipient of most of my "ruminations" (aha! its a catchy title that even makes sense)...whether or not she has been desiring to hear them all. nevertheless she has patiently listened to and encouraged me for more than four years as my wife + all the time we dated. I kept a journal back when we started was very good to do. i hope to do something similar now--this however is not going to be my journal. i have realized that i get a lot of one liner ideas, phrases, or thoughts that describe something i am thinking about or being confronted with at any given time in my life. i've tried a few ways to record these thoughts and, while the conclusion from this adventure may be the same, i have not found a steady system that has worked. my ideas are all over random places--some in a little flip book my beautiful wife made for me to carry with my bible--which i love using when my 'large' bible (vs. my 'small' bible) is nearby. i liked it so much that i bought another little flip book and would carry that one around in my pocket. and now the cover has all but torn off of it. so i'm turning to the electronic world to capture my thoughts. here in this 'blog.' so yeah this will be a place for me to mull over all of my random thoughts and at the very least capture them for my own later use. if i am the only one to ever read these, i will still have accomplished my hopes and purposes. so, with that said this will be a new outlet. i don't expect to get into the details of my life. after all, we may have never met. but i will share w/ you the insights and thoughts that God is putting on my heart. hopefully they will be universal and will be of some value to you; even if not, you can at least check what i say against the bible and help me to stay on the path towards truth. after all isn't that what community is about--pointing each other towards the majesty, truth, grace, love, justice, holiness, forgiveness, mercy, and faithfulness of our amazing God? and if i'm headed the wrong way, or even slightly veering to left or right, please love me enough to help me stay on the straight and narrow. wide is the road that leads to destruction and there are many who find it. narrow is the path that leads to life and there are few who find it. help me find/stay on it. looking forward to a great adventure! even though it might just be me and you on this particular blog.


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